Waddling Kid’s Ultimate Club Penguin Cheat Guide

December 4, 2007

My OTHER 15,000 hits party. (last party explained)

Filed under: Club Penguin — Waddling Kid @ 3:24 pm

Ok, everyone. Here is the explanation for my party:

I got on at 1:00 PST, and thought the party  was on, because I’M AN IDIOT! And I can’t tell CP time to MY OWN TIME very well. Don’t worry, I have it completely straight this time.


What:My 15,000 HITS PARTY!

When: Thursday, Dec. 6, 1:30-2:00 PM PST

Where: My igloo (will be opened) Brumby Server, Australia

Why: Becuz you’re all cool and you come to my site!

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